Battle Ground Public Schools’ Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) helps meet the needs of families faced with housing instability and similar economic challenges.
The FCRC helps supports students/families in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and the Foster Care Student Education Program.
These programs ensure that students in unstable living situations have full access to their school of origin, along with transportation and services that promote educational success.
The FCRC is here to serve ANY BGPS student or family in need by providing:
Urgent clothing, shoes, and coat needs
Backpacks and school supplies
Community resources, connections, and partnerships
Assistance with accessing educational programs and self-sufficiency programs (FAFSA, job access partnerships, etc.)
Coordination of urgent needs with local partnerships
Community and volunteer opportunities
For homeless students who meet McKinney-Vento (MV) eligibility, also have the right to:
Attend school even without necessary documents while they are being located
Full participation in school-related activities
Transportation to and from their school of origin
Free lunch and breakfast, if offered to other students
Academic support
Confidentiality regarding their living situation
For students currently in foster care, they receive:
Coordination with DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services)
Free lunch and breakfast, if offered to other students
Transportation to their school of origin
We are pleased to offer these services to your students and family throughout the school year and look forward to partnering with you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or needs