School Support Organizations – Information and Training

This training is designed to support parent/community volunteers for Booster Clubs / Parent Groups PTOs/PTAs/PTSA, etc. in their efforts to maintain compliance while fundraising.

This training will teach you the do’s and don’ts of running your organization. The Acknowledgement of School Support Organization Training form must be completed by two officers in your organization each year.

The Acknowledgement of School Support Organization Training form link is located on the last page of the PDF. A copy of your completed certificate will be automatically sent to you and your school.

Complete the training no later than Oct. 15 

If you have a booster/parent group question, please contact your school’s ASB office or Head Secretary:

Primary Schools

Captain Strong Primary
Emily Hopper 360-885-6400
Pleasant View Primary
Mary Woodard 360-885-5550
Daybreak Primary
Nicole Hoffman 360-885-6950
Tukes Valley Primary
Teri Buck 360-885-6200
Glenwood Heights Primary
Irene Michaelson 360-885-5250
Yacolt Primary
Natasha Udy 360-885-6000
Maple Grove Primary
Darcy Hurst 360-885-6700

Middle Schools

Amboy Middle
Jill Scott 360-885-6050
Chief Umtuch Middle
Stacy Bissell 360-885-6350
Daybreak Middle
Susan Keith 360-885-6900
Laurin Middle
Sandy Coy 360-885-5200
Pleasant Valley Middle
Dawna Saylor 360-885-5500
Tukes Valley Middle
Laura Uriarte 360-885-6250

High Schools & ALEs

Battle Ground High School
Cindy Brooks 360-885-6652
Prairie High School
Cindy Miller 360-885-5013
Cheryl Spencer 360-885-6803
River HomeLink
Dinie Morr 360-885-8205
Summit View High School
Kathy Austin 360-885-5366