Technology requirements
Students will need access to the Internet and a valid personal email such as Gmail. Chromebooks are available through the district’s 1:1 computing initiative.
Education platforms
The links below will lead you to the education platforms’ websites.
Courses that are in Edgenuity Grades 6-12: Math courses, Civics, CWP, US History, Contemporary World Studies, History electives, English 9- 12, Expository English, PE 2, some Science, Foreign Languages, and some electives.
Edgenuity login: usernames and passwords are set to your district logins.
Courses that are in Edmentum Grades 9-12: Art courses, Business English, Creative Writing, PE 1, Health, Mythology, and some science courses.
Edmentum login: enter BG119 for the account. If you don’t include that, you will be unable to login. Usernames and passwords are set to your district logins.
Courses in Apex Grades 9-12: College and Career Prep, Media Lit, PE 3, credit recovery courses, some tech courses, some electives
Apex login: if you have an Apex course, you will receive an email with your login information.
Courses in Accelerate Grades K-8: used primarily for K-5 and some electives for 6-8 grades.
Accelerate login: usernames and passwords are set to your district logins.